Our body is consists of 70% water, Inside our body, water is moving just like the river always flows, on the contrary, if we lack to consume water, it will cause “dry” and make us suffering from various diseases.
In these healthy tips for health, I will share “THE BENEFIT OF PURE WATER FOR OUR HEALTH”
1. Smooth The Digestive System
Consuming the pure water everyday will smooth our digestive system, so we are staying away from digestive problem such as: stomach disorder or constipation.
2. Retard the Cancer
Pure water helps retard the substance of the Cancer, and prevent the gall stone. Drink pure water is also making our body and stamina getting fit.
3. Beauty treatment
If we lack to drink pure water, our body will absorb the water from our skin, so it makes our skin dry and crinkly. Further, pure water can protect the skin from out side as lotion and make our skin looks fresh.
4. For Fertile
Increase the testosterone hormone production for man and estrogen hormone for woman. Base on the research in London, English. If someone always takes a bath/shower using cool water, so their blood circulation is fast and the body will more fresh and fit.
Using cool water during shower /bath will increase phabocyte production in our body, also increase of someone immune against some viruses. Even taking a shower in the morning by using cool water will increase those 2 hormones above. Further, the sexual desire will strong as well and our nail also.
5. Salutary Our Heart
Water also can make our hearth strong, heal: rheumatism, skin disorder, breathe disease, intestine, and women organ diseases. Now days, some alternative medicine is using pure water.
6. As A Stroke Medicine
Hot water it is not only being used for skin treatment, but it also effective for paralyzed treat because of stroke. Pure water helps to make the muscles strong and working normally and ligament. Heat effect from hot water causing blood vessel and brings the oxygen in our blood to all the tissue and prevent the stiff of the muscle. Release the painful and relax our mind. In hot water it contains of: chlorine, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and sulfate. And water pH able to sterilize the skin.
7. Relaxation Effect
Trying stands under the shower and feels the effect on your body. The spray that hit your body likes a massage and release tired. if you feel your muscle is stiff you may taking a shower using warm water with around 37C degree. And when your feet feel stiff, it is recommended to submerge your feet into the warm water mixed with little salt.
8. Slim Your Body
Pure water also can release any particular waste in your body through urine, and by drink warm water before your eat will make you feel full and avoid not to eat a lot. Therefore, water not contain of calorie, sugar and fat.