Inability of them in orgasm it doesn’t make a big influence for woman to enjoy the sex.
They still can enjoy their sexual activities with you, even they never get climax. Sex activities merely like recreation for them….You have tried but you never make them “explode”.
Some triggers can make the women hard for orgasm, so it is better if you know about this and know when you are doing sex intercourse. Finally, both of you will get a good sensation.
Woman with double sclerosis it’s hard for orgasm, causing part of her genital organ is insensible.
The stimulation through her genital organ might unpleasant, even more it will hurt her, and so the sex intercourse through vagina it’s really hurt. You don’t have too worry because the effect of this double sclerosis for woman responds gradually change base on the time. At the beginning, she’s hard orgasm in a couple of month, eventually, she will get used to and she will try to adopt and learn.
Around a third from women who has suffering diabetic wills hard orgasm, because of the disorder of their nerve system 4 till 6 years after diagnoses. Unhappily, the disorder is permanent.
ADDH is a nerve disorder and have the quality of genetic with symptom: mind disorder, restless or restiveness and it will disturb daily activity. This disorder will make woman hard orgasm, because their mind is very fast and unfocused to sexual stimulation or sex imagination.
After knowing the triggers above, now we can find the great solution through the following tips:
1. Enrich your knowledge about human anatomy, sexual function and every possible changing because of age, hormone and other factors.
2. Adding the style when you want to do fore play and stimulus before having a sex intercourse. How? Changing the obsolete style, reading a book or even watching the blue film it might possible.
3. Enrich a positive habit before the coitus happen, likes soft massage and sensual and built communication among your partner. Before coitus its really happen, having a hot discussion is really essential.
4. Reduce the painful by trying another sex position, where the woman will conduct and control the penetration, you may also try to get warm shower before you do sex intercourse. This tip will help you condition relax and avoid the tense happen.
5. If these situations you could not avoid, I suggest you may visit your private doctor or do some sex therapies and counseling.
The other factors of sex problem are: obstruction sexual desire because the hormone changing, depression, pregnant, stress and tired; difficult stimulation (lack of lubricant) as well.
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