Now days in Japan many people like to keep their body slim and do diet without sport. They call “Morning Banana Diet”. This program is very interesting for women because the process of this system is very simple and easy, of course you should continuously and consistent with this program. If you are really consistent and continuously, eventually in 3 months we will get the weight that you wanted. This program have known when one of the Japan opera singer Kumiko Mori who confessed she could reduce her weight 6,7 kg after she applied this diet in a very short time.
This tip it is simple and without sport!
• Consume 2 of banana (well-done) before you have your breakfast.
• Consume 2 of banana (well-done) before you have your lunch.
• Consume 1 of banana (well-done) before you have your dinner.
So the amounts of banana that you consumed in 1 day are 5 bananas.
For reducing process of your weight get better and better and the fastest way is:
• Avoid having a dinner up at 8 o’clock pm.
• Drink a lot of pure warm water (because the warm water can make your fat inside your body get easy to be melt or burn when the process of metabolism start) and avoid to drink cold water.
• Avoid to consume meals with contain of high carbohydrate such as rice and noodle.
• Avoid the meals that contained with oil and junk food.
• Sleep on time and please don’t spend the night if it is not necessary.
Do this program at least in 3 months, and you will get the good result. And you may still have a chance to consume other meals.
Good luck and stay health!
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