How Can I Trust You?
Trust, for dozen people just a symbol in this cyber era. Many of us are difficult to place our trust to someone else, further if we just recognize them just in a few seconds or through internet or other possible tools.
Digital era makes us easy to get to know each other just in a second, without suspicious and we are willing to do it. The problem is sometimes comes when we are not trying to believe other people, just like the common words “never talk to stranger”, a mere statement for those people afraid that someone will go to hurt him. If you always put that statement “never talk to stranger”, how if you were in trouble, in a strange location, you could not find the address that you looking for? You were in other country, are you still keep that statement “never talk to stranger”? of course not.
Trust someone it is not so simple like you trust your sibling, even or maybe you get in trouble with your sibling or you family and then you can’t put your trust to them? Is possible! But when you want to try trust someone else, of course you need s special tips, quite simple you just have to do:
Trying to trust your own self, without trust your own self, it is difficult you expect someone will trust you.
Willing to share and let the people come to approach you and try to give them a space in your area, meaning by doing social work and join with other group will make you easy to know other people and you can learn how you can trust them, and the people will do the same things to you.
Build your own good image, by doing this people will honor you, and they will really trust you because you have proved it through your attitude, manner and your behavior.
Keep your manner, behave and your attitude as your priority in an every moment and every activities. It creates a good sympathy from other and even you never ask them, they will come and put their trust to you.
After you can trust your own self, you may try to trust other people. Avoid the negative thinking and create a positive thinking. In this case you are not only can control your self but you may to control other people.
Be You Are. Be exactly who really you are. Trying not to copycat other character that is not coming from your own character. People will love you because of your pure character.
Well, a trust in this era is like a price of golden, but at least we can start to trust our self!
Nice post buddy...I go with you. Gaining trust from others is not easy. We need a long process to gain someone's trust. Thanks for sharing. Visit me at cheapessaywriter.wordpress.com