In the present era, people will trying to keep their heads above water, no matter how and what should they do as long as they will get job and earn some money for their life or even for their family, but what a disgrace if we just trying to send our application for a job that we wanted but we should deal such as kind of interview, of course we need several experiences or even more to make the interview running successfully. In this tip, I would like to share do and don’t when you will get Job Interview.
1. Find valid information about the company or the firm that you have sent your application letter for it. Because, by knowing such as company profile, you will have enough information about it, and some company they would very glad if you had known well their company profile or their product. This preparation will help you when the interviewer asks you.
2. Be on time, or at least 15 minutes before the interview conducts. This tip to prevent some problems that may occur such as: traffic jam and cancellation of interview schedule.
3. When the interviewer asks you about your background and references that you have, just remember get direct to the point, don’t complicated in your explanation.
4. Relax and keep eyes contact with your interviewer, if you can’t focus; your eyes always rotate, meaning that you are not capable one.
5. Stay focus on your speech and well dressed, and please the other important things are about your body odor. Avoid use perfume too much (for some women) and keep your mouth breath fresh.
6. When you were in front of the interviewer or personnel manager, the way you sit on the chair it should be straight back and do not put your arm or your finger on the table.
7. Give your comment as details as you can, avoid repeating the same sentence and don’t be boastful.
8. When the personnel manager asking you about how much salary you want, make sure that you could give information about your former salary. In this case will make the interviewer or a personnel manager think about their offering after you say about your former salary.
9. Say with clear and sincere your appreciation for being interview with them.
10. Trust your own self and just pray to God for the last.
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