Find the Sixth Sense
In this complicated world with all unpredictable condition, we will not sure what will be happen tomorrow or the next day. People still can forecast but they can’t make sure what really happen next. It is because as human being we still have weaknesses. Since we know and we have the sixth sense, we try to learn how to use it. For instance; when there is an accident such as fire house, or we are chasing by the dog, we can run as fast as we can and jump over the 2 meters high wall. And when there is a fire house we can move and carry those heavy things out from the house as fast as we can.
Everybody has sixth sense, but only few of them known well that they have in their mind. In these various tips I would like to share how you can find and built your own sixth sense by doing:
1. Meditation
You need special day or you may choose 1 day as your day for doing meditation without doing other activities. Try to sit down like someone wants do the meditation (cross leg) and release your mind from other think, take along depth breath through your nose and release slowly through your mouth, while you do this, focused only in your mind that there is a hiding power coming from your heart, bottom and you should spread those energy all over your body. You don’t have too worry if you feel hot in all your body, mean this energy is working.
You may need at least a month to do this.
2. Trust Your Feeling or Instinct
Try trust your feeling or instinct by doing such as training like do some research about some problems and try to guess or predict what will be happen.
If you do this test, soon you will get used to trust your feeling and instinct. But of course you need to be patient.
3. Read your Own Dream
People sometimes dream, in their dreams any possible things could be happen and become into reality. People believe that their dream it represents what will be happen or something already happen. I my self, one of the people really trust about my dreams.
I have got 6 times dreams and all of my dreams come true.
One of my dream is, when I want to get a job after 3 months being jobless, in my dream someone came to my house and he brought a pair of black shining shoes and he said to me used this shoes. And when I woke up the morning I am trying to believe it, and it works just few weeks after that dream I have got an interview for work in one of big company. Many of my dreams come true because I try to train my sixth sense and believe my dream.
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