Friday, September 11, 2009

Old Home Remedy 2

Last post we were discussed about asthma, smallpox and cold/flu and how to heal it through old home remedy. In this session I would like to share in tips and tips about several diseases that can be healing by consume natural medicine that comes from our backyard, our kitchen or in our garden.
1. Salt for healing the Toothache
If you got toothache and at the time you are far away from your dentist or the children afraid to go to dentist, you may take a half spoon of the salt mix with a glass of warm water and rinse in the mouth (gargling) for 3 times, you may do it morning and afternoon.

2. Salt for Antiseptic
When you got scratch or a big wound and at the time you don’t have other antiseptic to prevent from an infection, or you far away from the doctor, in this case you do the first aid at your home by using old home remedy. You may use 1 spoon of salt mix with half of glass of warm water and use the clean cotton to clean the wound or your scratch by putt the cotton into the water and clean it. This salt is better than the chemical antiseptic for prevent and clean the scratch or wound.

3. Prevent the Halitosis by suck the Clove
As we know that Halitosis is really can make us far away from the society, or even from our beloved partner, but don’t worry the old remedy will help you how to overcome this disease. In my country in Indonesia there is one of the island call palu, almost the people there never get Halitosis, why? Because every single day they consume (suck it as candy) the Clove. Just 1 clove every day and you may need just several minutes or if you like the taste you may suck it for about one hour for 1 clove it will reduce the Halitosis and gradually the Halitosis will be gone forever.

4. Diarrhea and the Young Guava Leaf
If you are get diarrhea and there is no medicine available or you are in the small village, you may use the Young Guava leaf, because the leaf of Guava is good and really strong for healing the diarrhea. Treatment: chew the young leaf of guava mix together with little salt (about 2 or 3 young leaves of guava). You may consume this leaf every time you get diarrhea and it will reduce the frequency of your diarrhea and will totally heal it. Some doctors believe and also all my family and some of the people in my country they used this young leaf of guava for prevent the diarrhea. Because inside the leaf of the guava it contains some ingredients that can killed the toxin that can cause the diarrhea.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Old Home Remedy 1

Now days, the modern medicine is taking almost 75 percent of the medical treatment, and we know well that the high doses of medicine if we always consume will make side effect for our heart and kidney. But some other countries such as China they still believe about their old home remedy using some natural ingredients such as ginger, sun flower seeds, skin of the wood; from the meat of animal and etc.
If we believe the old home remedies can heal several diseases, why don’t we are trying to consume those things, because the old remedies are less of the allergy and free from lethal chemistry ingredients.
In this are tips and tips, I share about old home remedies that I ever consumed and all of my family and relative believe and it really strongly for healing several diseases like:
1. Asthma
People with this condition sometimes they are really heavy to taking their breath
Treatment 1: Use the hearth of young bat, you may fry the heart of the bat and eat with other meals, suggest: consume every week for 3 months treatment. Trust me! It will heal the asthma disease.
Treatment 2: Use the tail of the house lizard (you should take the tail of the house lizard) and fry or grill until become black/dark and then you mix together blend with coffee, suggest: consume 3 times in a week in any time you want, this treatment for 1-2 months, you will realize after 3 times you drink the coffee with the fry or grill the tail of house lizard, your Asthma will gradually disappear.

2. Dark brown Spot in our skin after we got the smallpox
As we know when we got the smallpox it trace in our skin the brown or black dot, of course these condition will make us loose our performance and we feel worry about our skin. But don’t worry if you have “Fresh Corn”
Treatment : Take one of the corn the fresh corn if available, scrape the corn and put the corn after you scrape as you use lotion on your skin that they have the dot, this treatment use before you are taking a bath in the morning 5 minutes let the corn powder dry on your skin.
You may use it everyday until the dot gradually disappears. It is taking about 2 -3 weeks for the treatment.
3. Get Flu or Cold
Treatment: Use the ginger, take about one fresh stalk of ginger, and clean it well and blend together with warm glass of water, separate from the dregs of the ginger, pour in the glass, and sugar if you like tasted sweet and you drink while still warm. Suggestion: every morning and evening for 2 days treatment.
Trust you’re self if you really want the better treatment.
read more “Old Home Remedy 1”

Sunday, September 6, 2009

How to find out the Original Honey Bee and The Benefit !

How to find out the Original Honey Bee and The Benefit !
As we know honey from the bee is one of the good meals for our health, some researches have already proved about the benefit of honey. The best honey is taken from the jungle (originally one), with density is really determine the quality of the honey it self.

The best ways how to prove the honey is real honey from the Bee or just synthetic one made from palm sugar by doing like:
1. Take a spoon of the honey and try to burn it by set the honey in the fire (use matches or something) if the honey is burn or the honey make a little blue fire, meaning is the original one. The fake one it can produce fire if we are trying to burn it.
2. The original honey bee when you pour it into the water, the original honey bee will be united and it doesn’t mix with the water, the honey it will separate.
3. The taste of the original honey bee is little bit sour, the fake one tasted really sweet.
4. When you are trying to drink one spoon of the original honey, it will make like sandy in your mouth, the fake one just like syrup.
By knowing the original of the honey bee, it will make us consume the real one and we can get the good benefit from the natural source product.
Some people believe and they have already proved it the benefit of honey bee such as:
• By given the original honey bee to our children can make them increase our children appetite and increase the immune.
• Honey bee, when you use together with warm water will reduce the cough and make your body feel warm.
• Honey bee also can be used to increase the libido in foreplay before the penetration. Just pour the honey bee on your body or the girl body, and slowly both of you lick each other, it will create a strong sensation in a sex.
• One spoon of the honey bee every morning before you consume other meals will make you keep your tongue and your breath fresh all the time.
• As the first aid, if you hand is blister because you touch something really hot, or get fire…using honey bee mix together with egg, and spread on the wound area will stop the feeling heat and prevent from the mark after the wound is dry.
• Honey bee also can make our face looks fresh, used as masker together with fresh tomato. It is suggested the honey and tomato should be blended together and let it dry on your face for about 3-5 minutes before your wash it. Do it in every morning before you take a shower.
read more “How to find out the Original Honey Bee and The Benefit !”

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Be a Good Neighbor for Our Children.

In a big city, with various character of people and it seems they don’t care each other or merely they are busy with their own business that make them really less to care their neighbor. They just involved in their own business without care to their atmosphere surround.
Talking about neighbor, you probably would not have given much thought to your neighbors and how they can affect your family life. Many people believe that good neighbors can help us prevent crimes, remind us in danger things and make the neighborhood safer for our children to live in.
But sometimes, we put our suspicious to our neighbor without do investigation first; sometimes we are in a hurry to make a conclusion to our neighbor. But it is not wrong if you put your suspicious to your neighbor but at least please try to believe them, you may judge them after 2 weeks or a month when they are trying to get to know.
Be a good neighbor is related to our children, if we were as parents both work, living next door to a neighbor who cal help out occasionally is a big bonus. Good neighbors go beyond exchanging nods and greetings when they meet. Interestingly, a study conducted in Chicago found that some adolescents were less likely to engage in sexual activities if they lived in neighborhoods where the adults were monitoring them closely.

In close-knit neighborhoods, children will get the chance to see other adults who reinforce the same norms and values as their parents. With this extra bit of assistance from neighbors, parents need not watch their children like a hawk around the clock because they are many eyes out there. Children tend to engage in healthy and positive activities if they grow up in a close-knit community. Friendly and concerned neighbors can help us raise good children.

Recently busy and stressed-out parents need all the help they can get from their existing network. Neighbors whom you trust can provide the help needed when friends and relatives live apart. For a young mother with limited resources, a helpful neighbor can make sure that her children are not left unsupervised in an empty house. Children need to live among people who care about them.
They feel more secure when they can turn to someone for help when mom and dad are not around. It also turns out that having happy neighbors can make us happy, too and our children they can learn how to trust someone and how to build the social link among other people all over the world and they can learn how to living in a harmony.
read more “Be a Good Neighbor for Our Children.”

Friday, August 28, 2009


Men, put down that double cheese burger and listen when women tell you that you are often clueless about good nutrition.
Women tend to be more proactive about their health and seek nutritional advice more often than men, who tend to vie food as a matter of enjoyment.

A 2005 study in The Journal of Men’s Health and Gender noted that this difference in attitude may be linked to the trend of men being more likely to be overweight. Nutritional woes of aging men include decreased metabolism. This means an even higher risk of weight gain, said dietitian Pauline Chan, managing director of The Nutrition Place. With decreased metabolism, a high-fat diet can lead to obesity and cause health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure and even stroke, : she said.

Instead, they should eat easily digestible and nutritious food, as their ability to absorb nutrients tends to be less efficient, said Jenny Goh, a senior nutritionist at Fitness and Health international. However, meeting dietary requirements may be trickier for men, as they require slightly more nutrients than women due to higher body weight and energy demands, said Chan.
“unbalanced diets or diets with inadequate nutrients increase the risk of malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies, bone fractures, infections and overall decline in health status, “ she said. “Such consequences of poor health may even lead to depression.”

Nutrients that older men may lack are vitamins C and D, the minerals iron, calcium and zinc, protein and fiber. Some nutrient-packed foods to include in one’s diet are wholegrain bread, oatmeal, steamed meat, fish, tofu, leafy vegetables and low-fat milk, she suggested.
Vitamin D deficiency, a longstanding problem for older women, has recently been found to be common in older men as well. An American study published this year determined that 26 percent of older men aged 65 to 99 are vitamin D-deficient, with 72 percent not meeting the optimal intake of this vitamin.

Hence, one should also get enough sunlight to enable the skin to produce vitamin D, which is needed in calcium absorption for stronger bones, added Goh.
“The housebound and those living in institutions may face a higher risk of vitamin deficiency, “she said. “ Vitamin D supplements should be considered in such cases.” Older people should also go easy on salt. Their taste sensitivity decreases with age, which leads to greater preference for salty foods. “High salt intake can worsen existing high blood pressure, “Chan warned. Older men should cut down on condiments like soy sauce and choose natural alternatives like herbs and spices to enhance taste, she said.
Those who suffer from loss of appetite should try eating small but frequent meals, advised Goh.

read more “WHY MORE MEN GET FAT”

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Do it or Neglect it

Sometimes when we are going to do something in our imagination, we need to put many considerations.Several questions rise up in our mind; can I do it? Can I prove it? I don’t have a power to do it; I don’t have a lot of budget to start it. If you always put too many questions like that, I have no doubt that you will 100% fail, and you just neglect it for the rest of your life.

Lately, many of us still don’t believe about the inner power, we just believe on what we have learnt from other people who already succeed. That will be fine! How about if you try your own power? Every one from us totally agrees that we have our own power, our own positive energy, but the problem we don’t know how to dig from our heart and carry out and prove it. We need several tools how to get this power and use it for own better future and we don’t have too depends on someone else again, what are the tools? Simple you just have to do such as:

1. When you have an idea, bright idea. Write it down as soon as possible. Do not let it just cross in your mind like that, even really simple one.

2. After you write it down, read it once again loudly and use your ear and brain to prove it, not just listen. How you prove it? Go out from your room and share it with your friend, who knows one of your friend or even your family willing to help to prove it.

3. Find the best method how to do it. Find the good references about your idea through: internet or you may go library where that place will assist you well.

4. People believe TWO HEADS IS BETTER THAN ONE HEAD, meaning when you got the brilliant idea, you should share with your paper, your pen and finally your best friend. Do not just talk without action.

5. Remember well, our brand capacity to memorize such suddenly idea (sometimes sudden idea is really brilliant than idea with preparation). Some famous author in the world, they are successful because their sudden idea and they got it and they asked their paper and pen and eventually they did it.

6. Put your instinct together with your brain, if you can’t put it together it is quite difficult to create something better or even best.

7. Learn from your mistake, it will make you train well in dealing with such bad or good things in the next future or when you fail to prove your idea.

read more “Do it or Neglect it”

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Sensitive part of Man

As a man sometimes he never realizes that he has his own sensitive area or he totally doesn’t know about this sensitive area. Just like a girl, a man also has sensitive area, but in this tips and tips, the sensitive area from the man we can know through their hobby.

1. Man with many Books for their collection
This sensitive area from this man is in his head/mind (imagination), he really likes if the girl talking with smart idea and get match when this man trying to explore his idea and the girl know how act. Other man with these criteria, he likes to collect any nude picture particularly girl picture, and the girl with big boob (breast) is one of his favorites. Virtual sex is really making him high.

2. Man with Motorcycle
If he really likes about big bike, this man has sensitive are in his all body, particularly in his chest the most sensitive are, if you can rub his chest with gentle and give him a little bite, he really easy to get the high sensation rather than if you touch his penis.

3. Man who likes fishing and travelling
This man really enjoy the double player, he really likes if his partner give him a small bite through his body, particularly his neck and his chest.

4. Man who likes playing/listening Music.
Man with this type, his sensitive area in his penis, but if you know well how to stimulate in his back of his neck, around his ear, will make him noise (hiss) and he really enjoy this stimulations.

5. Man who really like adventure
For this man who likes adventures, his sensitive area all in his body, but by rub his bottom and his penis can make him enjoys the real sex. But remember, this man needs a real lover. Just like his hobby, he really enjoys his adventure.

6. Man with dandy style
This type little bit worry about their performance, that’s why his sensitive part almost you cant explore it, you should find his weaknesses through his daily life, but some of this types has sensitive are in his back (all part of his back) he really enjoys and feel comfort with the partner who has nice fragrance. You may try to stimulate his nose and his mouth. It will bring different sensation for him.

7. Man with toys
If he really likes to collect any kind of toys, so his sensitive area just likes a young girl who falls in love. He really likes if his partner can give stimulation direct to his penis and play with his hair, first you have to do is: trying to have a small talk while you play your hand on his head or rub his penis with gentle. This man really likes about oral sex.
read more “The Sensitive part of Man”

White Lie, is it important?

It is quite weird isn’t it? “White Lie is an important” why we need to tell a Lie? What is the consequence if we are telling a Lie? There will be hundreds of questions similar with above statement. When you are trying to tell a Lie, you can’t deny that our eyes will be blink (according the expert of Human psychology) our “eyes can talk” and people who knows that your eyes blink when you tell something, they will be no longer to trust you! But for some reasons, Lie could be a very strong weapon for you to help someone who suffering from their problems.

For instance: You want your friend and other of your friend (lets give a name like Mr. X and Mrs. Y), getting closer again after several weeks they were angry or become enemy each other, by telling a lie that the Mr. X still want to be a friend with Mrs. Y, or Mrs. Y still want you, because you are so kind even your character quite different, or trying to say to both of them that they were matching in every condition, I think it is not wrong. I believe when you do this to your friend who has a problem it will make them back again. This is we call “White Lie”.
How to create “White Lie” to help our friends, our neighbor , or other people who needs a help to make them “Back” to their real love, society and their life? In this tips and tips I give you a fresh idea based on my research how you do “white Lie” with minor mistake and you don’t have to worry about the bad consequence as long as you do this in sincere.

• Getting to know with the problem
By knowing what exactly happen between them (the case), you will easy to make a good and wise conclusion what are you trying to do or to tell the “white lie”.

• Remember, when you do investigation, trying not to involve your heart and your mind to their emotion, otherwise it will make you a third party in their problem. Minimize, telling a dramatic “White lie”. Meaning, you should create the “white lie” base on the real problem that they had.

• Convince to them, that you are really a best friend that can give a better solution, remember well the word “friend need friend indeed”. You totally not to support one of them or you are trying to beat one of them from their problem, and please never cross in your mind that you will get “benefit” after you are trying to help them.

I believe, when you do “white lie” you can help millions of people in this beautiful world, and bring them into peace. Keep on your mind that the good things it will be everlasting and the bad things will be blasting. Good Luck!
read more “White Lie, is it important?”

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How do Praying during Travelling

How do Praying during Travelling

For some people who likes travelling a lot and they are really afraid in their journey that they will get trouble , they should apply this praying tips where they are in their journey. I will share this tips for you, this pure praying for any kind of religious, and I do hope when you read this, trying to concentrate and be focused. I do believe you will get a spirit and your God will protect you. Amen.

Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim. We seek the help of Allah, the most Gracious, The most Merciful. Who has bestowed upon us the will and ability in plane without Whom we are helpless. Verily, to God alone we worship and to God alone we shall return. Oh Allah, shower us with Your blessings and protect us on this journey from any hardship or danger and protect also our family and our wealth.

Lord in heaven, we praise and thanks of thy bless and endless love in our live. In this opportunity, we call Thy holly name to accompany our journey. We believe Thou will guard and protect our plane from any disturbance and danger. To the all air crew, Thou will lead their duty in order for us arrive to destination in time and save. Thank you for Thy help and firm love from beginning, now, and forever, In the name of Yesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Long Ago You save the children of Israel who crossed the sea with dry feet. And three wise kings from the East received Your command with the guidance of a star. We beg You. Bless us with a safe trip, with good weather. Bless us with the guidance from your angels, so that the crew of this aircraft will lead us to our destination safely. We also hope that our family remains happy and peaceful until we land safely. Bless be Your name, now and forever. Amen. In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy spirit. Amen.

Om om jaya jiwat sarira raksan dadasi me
Om mjum sah waosat mrityan jaya nama swaha
Om ayu wrdhi labhate dhanam wrdhi guna suci yadnya
Sudha sila sudhadyanam bhukti mukti phalam swargam.

Om Sanghyang Widhi Wasa the Greatest, all wealth and intelligence comes from your blessings.
Keep our minds and manners pure and let us attain inner peace and happiness.
Namo tassa bhgavato arahato samma sambuddhasa (3x).
Sabbe satta bhavantu sukkitatta.
Saddhu, saddhu, saddhu
Praise be to Sang bhgavca, the Pure. One who has attained enlightment(3x)
Let All Creature live in happiness in accordance to Your will.(Paritta Suci)
read more “How do Praying during Travelling”

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How deepest Your Love?

How deepest Your Love?

Since we were born, we have felt the sensation of love from our parents; they feed us when we were children. Joyful and cheerful always come to us in every single minute, but have you realized how deepest your love to them? Our parents one of example that the really love us, and there are still million people in this world still have their true love, but we should trying to find it and keep it in our heart forever and ever.

None of us denied that their love is wider than the earth, deepest than the sea, highest than the sky, but sometimes you still have a doubt bout their love to you? You still worry about their sincere?
By following this tips and tips, I’m trying to open your mind, how you can find your true love is still lying down deepest in your heart or not.

 Have you found the meaning of true love? Or you don’t’ know the meaning of true love?
True love is deepest sympathy that comes from your deepest heart; it’s pure and never contaminated by other things; it really comes from the bottom of your heart.

 Have you tried to share or give your true love? If you still keep it, trying now! Give to everyone that he or she deserved to keep your love for them.
By doing this, you may able to know the exactly meaning of true love, because you will easy to know their heart, soul and their mind.

 Do appreciation when someone trying to give their attention to you, even you don’t want that man/girl.
By doing appreciation like this, she/he will not get hurt if you don’t like that girl/man. Have you tried to feel it, how if such this condition happen to you? You express your love to someone that you really odor, but she/he refused you? Did you feel it hurt? That’s why when in this world the sympathy is still number one when you want to build the relationship with other.

 Grow the sense of belonging among your partner
With sense of belonging, you will get a trust each other and finally will bring you into deepest trust and love each other.

 Remember well, you start to create your own trap, one day that trap will get you first.
A trap in this tips and tips is a promise, without prove just a nonsense that we create without true speaking. As human being you should to avoid about promise without prove it.
Say it true with sincere, say it loud with humble, and I believe you will find the meaning of Your True Love.

read more “How deepest Your Love?”

Friday, August 14, 2009

Do you believe a Miracle or is a mere Dream?

Do you believe a Miracle or is a mere Dream?

Since I know well about what exactly life is, I’m trying not too complicated in think what will be happen in my own future one day. I believe and all the people believe life is choice. But in some particular days, when we were in trouble, or we need a big help because we don’t know what we are going to do, do you still believe a Miracle? Let’s say we are in fairytale country, what we want and need just click your finger or use your spell and everything will be ready just in a second. Some dwarfs will serve and waiting your order if you were their King or their leader, and they will fulfill what in your mind. But you should wake up from your dream. We are now living in the competition era, we are not like a “Jin in the Bottle” you do nothing and you get nothing. What you want is not what you exactly need it, if you really consider about what you wish. Some factors can cause a Miracle comes and is not a mere dream if you doing some tips like me did before:

 Focused in every single minute and in everything you do.

 Don’t let your imagination control you; you should control your own imagination, why? If it is not, you will unfocused and it is hard to create a fresh idea or make you strong to understand the meaning of your own life.

 Knowing your inner power, how? Ask your closed friend or best friend about what is your strength since they have known you for long time. You will get the truth info from them, and after knowing your strength try to use it in a good way. I believe when the strength using in a good way you will easy to control your own character.

 Dream, many master of knowledge like Albert Einstein from German, Christopher Columbus from Italy, and many others, those Gentlemen start their brilliant idea not from a Miracle but their start from their big dream and their trying to built a strong imagination through research and learning by doing. Their brilliant ideas are marvelous, give us some inspirations how and why we dream and never expect the miracle that we don’t know when and where the miracle will come. “Wait and see” it is not their character, waiting for a “Miracle” to create or find a land is not their imagination, but they prove it through hard work and hard work.

 Erase in your mind that Miracle will come it self without do nothing.

 Miracle will come if you know how to open your mind and create the way to make the miracle comes to you.

Learn from Albert Einstein from German, Christopher Columbus from Italy, will open widely your mind, life is not simple but life is easy if we now how and where we go.
read more “Do you believe a Miracle or is a mere Dream?”

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lucky Charm or Effort

Lucky Charm or Effort

Talking about lucky charm, some part of Africa region and part of England really believe about this Lucky Charm. Lucky charms for some people are things could be: shock, t-shirt, mobile number, house number, office number, or other things that they believe could bring a fortune if their use it in their daily activities.

In this modern era, we can find some people still believes about lucky charm or in English dictionary we call it “talisman”. Talisman, since 13th century the native people of Egypt used it for avoid the bad things happen in their village, sometimes the talisman made from animal bone, the bone from the dead man of brave to fight for protect their village, bone from the hero who died during the war. But during the 20th century, people still believe about talisman and their getting smart and trying to use some tools as media for bring a fortune come to their life.
Furthermore, lucky Charm or Talisman just a thing or a tool that we believe can bring some lucky factors to make us success, feel safe, or even we feel strong and can survive from other danger or bad things.

I have no doubt, if we are in trouble and afraid facing the future and we still believe that our Lucky Charm or Talisman will protect us, but as human being and we are living in the modern era, why we are trying to do such as:

 Believe your own talent, built and prove it that you are the one can control your own destiny.

 Create the strong believe about God is exist and God willing to help us.

 You may use the talisman or your Lucky charm as long as you still can prove it that it will help you, but you should remember well that “No Pain No Gain”.

 Try doing the best thing in your life. Collect more good point through hard work and willing to do something in sincere.

 Independent and hard working in every thing you do. Soon a later you will get the reward from what you have done.

 Convince your heart, your mind that you can do something even you haven’t get the clue or patron about what you are going to do. By doing this, you will able to do something beyond your imagination. Why? It is because you have already created the inner power and suggestion, so you may not need the talisman or your Lucky charm again.

Overall, by put your trust to your self and to your God, it will make you feel no worry about what you are trying to do or to face it.
read more “Lucky Charm or Effort”

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How Can I Trust You?

How Can I Trust You?
Trust, for dozen people just a symbol in this cyber era. Many of us are difficult to place our trust to someone else, further if we just recognize them just in a few seconds or through internet or other possible tools.
Digital era makes us easy to get to know each other just in a second, without suspicious and we are willing to do it. The problem is sometimes comes when we are not trying to believe other people, just like the common words “never talk to stranger”, a mere statement for those people afraid that someone will go to hurt him. If you always put that statement “never talk to stranger”, how if you were in trouble, in a strange location, you could not find the address that you looking for? You were in other country, are you still keep that statement “never talk to stranger”? of course not.

Trust someone it is not so simple like you trust your sibling, even or maybe you get in trouble with your sibling or you family and then you can’t put your trust to them? Is possible! But when you want to try trust someone else, of course you need s special tips, quite simple you just have to do:

 Trying to trust your own self, without trust your own self, it is difficult you expect someone will trust you.

 Willing to share and let the people come to approach you and try to give them a space in your area, meaning by doing social work and join with other group will make you easy to know other people and you can learn how you can trust them, and the people will do the same things to you.

 Build your own good image, by doing this people will honor you, and they will really trust you because you have proved it through your attitude, manner and your behavior.

 Keep your manner, behave and your attitude as your priority in an every moment and every activities. It creates a good sympathy from other and even you never ask them, they will come and put their trust to you.

 After you can trust your own self, you may try to trust other people. Avoid the negative thinking and create a positive thinking. In this case you are not only can control your self but you may to control other people.

 Be You Are. Be exactly who really you are. Trying not to copycat other character that is not coming from your own character. People will love you because of your pure character.

Well, a trust in this era is like a price of golden, but at least we can start to trust our self!
read more “How Can I Trust You?”

Find the Sixth Sense

Find the Sixth Sense
In this complicated world with all unpredictable condition, we will not sure what will be happen tomorrow or the next day. People still can forecast but they can’t make sure what really happen next. It is because as human being we still have weaknesses. Since we know and we have the sixth sense, we try to learn how to use it. For instance; when there is an accident such as fire house, or we are chasing by the dog, we can run as fast as we can and jump over the 2 meters high wall. And when there is a fire house we can move and carry those heavy things out from the house as fast as we can.
Everybody has sixth sense, but only few of them known well that they have in their mind. In these various tips I would like to share how you can find and built your own sixth sense by doing:
1. Meditation

You need special day or you may choose 1 day as your day for doing meditation without doing other activities. Try to sit down like someone wants do the meditation (cross leg) and release your mind from other think, take along depth breath through your nose and release slowly through your mouth, while you do this, focused only in your mind that there is a hiding power coming from your heart, bottom and you should spread those energy all over your body. You don’t have too worry if you feel hot in all your body, mean this energy is working.
You may need at least a month to do this.

2. Trust Your Feeling or Instinct
Try trust your feeling or instinct by doing such as training like do some research about some problems and try to guess or predict what will be happen.
If you do this test, soon you will get used to trust your feeling and instinct. But of course you need to be patient.

3. Read your Own Dream
People sometimes dream, in their dreams any possible things could be happen and become into reality. People believe that their dream it represents what will be happen or something already happen. I my self, one of the people really trust about my dreams.
I have got 6 times dreams and all of my dreams come true.
One of my dream is, when I want to get a job after 3 months being jobless, in my dream someone came to my house and he brought a pair of black shining shoes and he said to me used this shoes. And when I woke up the morning I am trying to believe it, and it works just few weeks after that dream I have got an interview for work in one of big company. Many of my dreams come true because I try to train my sixth sense and believe my dream.
read more “Find the Sixth Sense”

Friday, August 7, 2009

Do and don’t when you will get Job Interview.

In the present era, people will trying to keep their heads above water, no matter how and what should they do as long as they will get job and earn some money for their life or even for their family, but what a disgrace if we just trying to send our application for a job that we wanted but we should deal such as kind of interview, of course we need several experiences or even more to make the interview running successfully. In this tip, I would like to share do and don’t when you will get Job Interview.
1. Find valid information about the company or the firm that you have sent your application letter for it. Because, by knowing such as company profile, you will have enough information about it, and some company they would very glad if you had known well their company profile or their product. This preparation will help you when the interviewer asks you.
2. Be on time, or at least 15 minutes before the interview conducts. This tip to prevent some problems that may occur such as: traffic jam and cancellation of interview schedule.
3. When the interviewer asks you about your background and references that you have, just remember get direct to the point, don’t complicated in your explanation.
4. Relax and keep eyes contact with your interviewer, if you can’t focus; your eyes always rotate, meaning that you are not capable one.
5. Stay focus on your speech and well dressed, and please the other important things are about your body odor. Avoid use perfume too much (for some women) and keep your mouth breath fresh.
6. When you were in front of the interviewer or personnel manager, the way you sit on the chair it should be straight back and do not put your arm or your finger on the table.
7. Give your comment as details as you can, avoid repeating the same sentence and don’t be boastful.
8. When the personnel manager asking you about how much salary you want, make sure that you could give information about your former salary. In this case will make the interviewer or a personnel manager think about their offering after you say about your former salary.
9. Say with clear and sincere your appreciation for being interview with them.
10. Trust your own self and just pray to God for the last.
read more “Do and don’t when you will get Job Interview.”


Defining organizational goals and objectives is the first step in the planning process. Here the tips for you and for your company how you create a good and well organize company with best tip for effective planning.
1. Establish a Planning Structure
• Line managers are responsible for designing the plan.
• The CEO provides direction and purpose.
• Staff planners provide assistance and legwork.
• Include provision for long-term corporate plan and shorter term operational plan.
2. Define the Organization’s Current Situation
• Where are we now?
• Define the company’s mission and purpose.
• Analyze economic and competitive situation, and internal resources.
3. Set Specific Organizational Goals
• Where do we want to go?
• Define measurable goals for desired results in area such as profitability, market share, productivity, innovation, financial resources, employee development, growth, and environmental responsibility.
4. Devise Possible Courses of Action
• Project current trends into the future.
• Analyze basic planning assumptions.
• Develop scenarios for alternative courses of action.
5. Formulate Strategies
• What will we do to achieve goals?
• Set priorities for strategic alternatives.
• Define specific plans.
• Allocate responsibilities, time, and resources requirements.
6. Analyze Risks and Resources
• Match resources with plan requirements.
• Indentify risks associated with products, markets, competition, and employee.
7. Set Timetables
• When will goals be met?
• Define schedules and time frames for key accomplishment.
8. Develop Operational Goals and Plants
• Define short-term objectives in key performance.
• Line managers devise short-terms action plan.
• Assign responsibilities and schedules.
9. Finalize Strategic Plan
• Reanalyze resources in light of completed plants.
• Consider financing, manpower, facilities, and production schedules.

10. Implementation and Control
• Coordinate strategic planning system with budgets and other control system to support managerial action.
• Schedule periodic reviews.
• Link to rewards and management by objectives system.

Source: Business Research & Communication, 203 Calle del Oak. Strategic Planning.

Best way to reduce Your Weight and Get Slim without Sport.

Now days in Japan many people like to keep their body slim and do diet without sport. They call “Morning Banana Diet”. This program is very interesting for women because the process of this system is very simple and easy, of course you should continuously and consistent with this program. If you are really consistent and continuously, eventually in 3 months we will get the weight that you wanted. This program have known when one of the Japan opera singer Kumiko Mori who confessed she could reduce her weight 6,7 kg after she applied this diet in a very short time.
This tip it is simple and without sport!
• Consume 2 of banana (well-done) before you have your breakfast.
• Consume 2 of banana (well-done) before you have your lunch.
• Consume 1 of banana (well-done) before you have your dinner.
So the amounts of banana that you consumed in 1 day are 5 bananas.

For reducing process of your weight get better and better and the fastest way is:

• Avoid having a dinner up at 8 o’clock pm.
• Drink a lot of pure warm water (because the warm water can make your fat inside your body get easy to be melt or burn when the process of metabolism start) and avoid to drink cold water.
• Avoid to consume meals with contain of high carbohydrate such as rice and noodle.
• Avoid the meals that contained with oil and junk food.
• Sleep on time and please don’t spend the night if it is not necessary.
Do this program at least in 3 months, and you will get the good result. And you may still have a chance to consume other meals.
Good luck and stay health!
read more “Best way to reduce Your Weight and Get Slim without Sport.”

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tips how to Learn English Language.

Mastering English language nowadays is needed and main standard beside other language, in a big cities they are many English Courses. For those people who has a lot of budget, of course it will no dilemma if they have to pay hundred thousand or could be more for English course. How if it is happen to you, if you don’t have a lot of funds and you are interesting to learn English language?
So I enclosed the tips:
1. Learn seriously
2. Memorise at least 5 words everyday.
3. Try to use in your daily action and built in a sentence.
4. Avoid to be bored listening the pronunciation and English conversation.
5. Add your building vocabulary by reading from any sources such as book, poem, and novel or even from film and English song.
6. Be patient and never give up easily.
7. Brave to used even you just have a few words or sentences.
8. Keep practicing your pronunciation, so is getting better and better.
9. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, because you were in practicing.
10. When you learn, do not feel as a burden, feel it as you learn your own hobby and optimist.
Good luck and have a nice learning English.
read more “Tips how to Learn English Language.”

Drink Hot Chocolate!

Drink Hot Chocolate!
In the present day, there are many several meals we always consume in every minute. Some of the meals has their own sensation when we taste or even when we try to consume and put in our shopping list. Don’t you ever realize that some of the meals have well-known in our life? One of them is Chocolate. Since we were children chocolate always presents the happiness and joyful, even when we are getting adult and older, we still like to consume this good meal, hem….tasted! Not only joyful that we can find when we consume chocolate, furthermore chocolate is used for some treatment in some healthy institutions, for skin perhaps and others. Nowadays some experts do research about the benefit of chocolate and they are trying to get more benefit from the chocolate.
Drinking hot chocolate will make you free from diarrhea. Consuming chocolate bar or drink hot chocolate is recommended for your health. By consuming chocolate; you don’t have to worry about other bitter medicines, sometimes they are not really suitable with your body or it will bring allergy.
Why chocolate? Sure chocolate. For you who never believe about chocolate, some research in journal of Nutrition ( showed, one of the chemical elements in chocolate seed bounded the liquid when the diarrhea comes, that element we call flavonoid. A research in Children’s Hospital & Research Centre, Oakland and Heinrich Heine University, German, found that flavonoid from chocolate cord to tie and block a protein in intestines that we call CFTR.
CFTR is a protein that organizes secretion liquid in intestines, when the CFTR is being blocked, running out the liquid because of diarrhea can be prevented. That’s why; expert said that chocolate is natural supplement for preventing diarrhea.
This is an early research and its hope will bring into the cheap remedy and safe for preventing the diarrhea.
Base on the history, using chocolate for preventing diarrhea has been done since 16th century by the ancestor of South America and Europe. Besides that, chocolate has anti oxidant effect and stimulate our immune. By consuming chocolate also stimulates the hormone can make us happy, just like new couples they fall in love each other and eventually it will make them feel health and fresh all the time. Below, I will give some tips for your health about: “The Benefit of Chocolate”:
 To cure the diarrhea
 Bound the liquid when diarrhea comes
 Has anti oxidant effect and stimulate our immune
 Stimulate hormone that can make us feel happy
 Keep our heart stay healthy, because the flavonoid inside the chocolate will bound the cholesterol LDL oxidation, the main cause of heart coroner disease.
read more “Drink Hot Chocolate!”

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Free from Dirty Mind

Free from Dirty Mind

Routine activity for some people will make them earn a lot of money, while others feel it as a time jail because they are being entrapped and they couldn’t escape or free. Some activities make us easy to get bore, furthermore it will disturb our health condition if we never try to realize that and it has already happen for long time. Because some energies that we used for such activities is being burn while we are working or thinking .Some expert said that when we think and using our brain the calorie that we used is the same when we are doing our sport activity.

You could imagine, if you were in a dense timetable and you don’t have much time to get relax or consume enough meals (sometimes we forget to have our meals because the tight schedule) and have some fun for a while or take a rest , the syndrome of worry and dirty mind sometimes comes unexpectedly. Dirty mind it comes when we were in a bad situation, unstable emotion and lack of experiences how to deal with it. It is always comes when we never try to believes other people surround us too.

Above explanation is clear enough to determine the meaning of “Free Your Mind from Dirty Mind” by doing such as:

§ Trust your self and be positive think

People are trying to believe in you, if you couldn’t trust them how you could expect they will trust you too?

§ Manage the timetable

Dense timetable not only disturb your health condition (if you realize) but also will bring effect to your work result (except you are one of workaholic). Re-arrange your time will make you have a time to enjoy the others situation that probably you have forgotten in your dense timetable.

§ Emotional Control and Conquer your Dirty Mind

By doing sport exercise, do travelling and let you mind free from routine activity it will make you free from any particular condition that make you bore. People believe, when you want to release your burden from your job or free from your heavy problem that comes from your house, it is better for you to visit beach or stand near by the beach and start to scream as strong as you can, this therapy will make your burden decrease gradually and you may control your emotion and conquer your Dirty Mind. Or try to share your problem with someone that you can trust, that they can find a better solution to your problem.

After read those tips above, I hope will bring a new spirits in dealing with your dense activity, and you will manage your time for better. So you free with better mind as a bird free from his golden cage. Eventually you totally free from your Dirty Mind.

read more “Free from Dirty Mind”

Friday, July 31, 2009


Our body is consists of 70% water, Inside our body, water is moving just like the river always flows, on the contrary, if we lack to consume water, it will cause “dry” and make us suffering from various diseases.

In these healthy tips for health, I will share “THE BENEFIT OF PURE WATER FOR OUR HEALTH”

1. Smooth The Digestive System

Consuming the pure water everyday will smooth our digestive system, so we are staying away from digestive problem such as: stomach disorder or constipation.

2. Retard the Cancer

Pure water helps retard the substance of the Cancer, and prevent the gall stone. Drink pure water is also making our body and stamina getting fit.

3. Beauty treatment

If we lack to drink pure water, our body will absorb the water from our skin, so it makes our skin dry and crinkly. Further, pure water can protect the skin from out side as lotion and make our skin looks fresh.

4. For Fertile

Increase the testosterone hormone production for man and estrogen hormone for woman. Base on the research in London, English. If someone always takes a bath/shower using cool water, so their blood circulation is fast and the body will more fresh and fit.

Using cool water during shower /bath will increase phabocyte production in our body, also increase of someone immune against some viruses. Even taking a shower in the morning by using cool water will increase those 2 hormones above. Further, the sexual desire will strong as well and our nail also.

5. Salutary Our Heart

Water also can make our hearth strong, heal: rheumatism, skin disorder, breathe disease, intestine, and women organ diseases. Now days, some alternative medicine is using pure water.

6. As A Stroke Medicine

Hot water it is not only being used for skin treatment, but it also effective for paralyzed treat because of stroke. Pure water helps to make the muscles strong and working normally and ligament. Heat effect from hot water causing blood vessel and brings the oxygen in our blood to all the tissue and prevent the stiff of the muscle. Release the painful and relax our mind. In hot water it contains of: chlorine, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and sulfate. And water pH able to sterilize the skin.

7. Relaxation Effect

Trying stands under the shower and feels the effect on your body. The spray that hit your body likes a massage and release tired. if you feel your muscle is stiff you may taking a shower using warm water with around 37C degree. And when your feet feel stiff, it is recommended to submerge your feet into the warm water mixed with little salt.

8. Slim Your Body

Pure water also can release any particular waste in your body through urine, and by drink warm water before your eat will make you feel full and avoid not to eat a lot. Therefore, water not contain of calorie, sugar and fat.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Women, they really care about their performance and their skin, they will taking care of their faces and skins as well.

Talking about skin color of women, we can find out their sensitive part from them by knowing from their skin color. These tips will explain how the skin color of women represents their sensitive part from their body:

· Woman with white skin

Woman with white skin has sensitive area in all part of their body and when we touch and grope their skin it can gives a “plus point” for her. But, some parts of their body really sensitive area such as her inside thigh, breast and her lips.

· Woman with yellow skin

Woman with yellow skin has sensitive area behind their neck and her breast area till her lower tummy and her back. So for sex foreplay it is suggest for man start to kiss her neck, mainly in her chin and her nape of neck. You may explore trough area of her breast (not her breast) and her tummy. In this part, woman will get hot sensation.

· Woman with slightly red of her skin

Likely woman who has white skin, woman with slightly red of her skin will get highest sensation if we give her stimulus in her breast directly and inside her thigh. When man can touch and rub her bottom it makes her get another hot sensation.

· Woman with nice black color of skin

The sensitive woman who has this skin is in her vagina. Husband who has a wife with this skin, he should clever and know how to play in this area when you do foreplay before you commit with sex intercourse. You may use your fingers, lip or even your tongue.

Overall, if we explore about the sensitive are of women are relative same. Women like if man know how he can touch, rub or kiss every inch over their body before their do sex intercourse.

Eventually, each woman has their own sensitive area, and as a man it is good if you can find out their sensitive area and it creates a good sex and relationship between your partners. Beside those things, harmony and communication will growth well together as couple.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Inability of them in orgasm it doesn’t make a big influence for woman to enjoy the sex.

They still can enjoy their sexual activities with you, even they never get climax. Sex activities merely like recreation for them….You have tried but you never make them “explode”.

Some triggers can make the women hard for orgasm, so it is better if you know about this and know when you are doing sex intercourse. Finally, both of you will get a good sensation.


Woman with double sclerosis it’s hard for orgasm, causing part of her genital organ is insensible.

The stimulation through her genital organ might unpleasant, even more it will hurt her, and so the sex intercourse through vagina it’s really hurt. You don’t have too worry because the effect of this double sclerosis for woman responds gradually change base on the time. At the beginning, she’s hard orgasm in a couple of month, eventually, she will get used to and she will try to adopt and learn.


Around a third from women who has suffering diabetic wills hard orgasm, because of the disorder of their nerve system 4 till 6 years after diagnoses. Unhappily, the disorder is permanent.


ADDH is a nerve disorder and have the quality of genetic with symptom: mind disorder, restless or restiveness and it will disturb daily activity. This disorder will make woman hard orgasm, because their mind is very fast and unfocused to sexual stimulation or sex imagination.

After knowing the triggers above, now we can find the great solution through the following tips:

1. Enrich your knowledge about human anatomy, sexual function and every possible changing because of age, hormone and other factors.

2. Adding the style when you want to do fore play and stimulus before having a sex intercourse. How? Changing the obsolete style, reading a book or even watching the blue film it might possible.

3. Enrich a positive habit before the coitus happen, likes soft massage and sensual and built communication among your partner. Before coitus its really happen, having a hot discussion is really essential.

4. Reduce the painful by trying another sex position, where the woman will conduct and control the penetration, you may also try to get warm shower before you do sex intercourse. This tip will help you condition relax and avoid the tense happen.

5. If these situations you could not avoid, I suggest you may visit your private doctor or do some sex therapies and counseling.

The other factors of sex problem are: obstruction sexual desire because the hormone changing, depression, pregnant, stress and tired; difficult stimulation (lack of lubricant) as well.

Thursday, July 23, 2009



Recently, many people they are easy to feel loneliness, and they don’t know how to do and how to avoid their loneliness. Some riches people willing to pay thousand dollars to buy the happiness, they spent a lot of money just for something that they will feel enjoy and will make them laugh and free for short time and after that they will get nothing instead tired and bore.

Frankly speaking, those people who feel loneliness because of some factors such as:

· Feel that he/she is the only one can take care of everything, instead she/he can/t do nothing without some else.

· A person who likes bossy and never try to look out trough their window, that there down the street people will going to laugh, play with their friend or even they gathered together for some activities.

· Never do appreciation to other people and it seems like to ignore.

· When do appreciation to other people, it look likes just for pretend never sincere coming from the bottom of their heart.

· Feel that their social status highest than other.

· Uncertainties goals in their lives.

· Routine and scheduled activities make them feel isolated from their own wife, husband, children, family or even their society.

Those factors above can cause of people easily to feel loneliness and further, it will make them totally feel lonely and the worst thing they will commit for suicide, of course we are not going to let this happen. So, Let me share idea through my tips and tips how to conquer your loneliness by doing:

1. “Placing your own character to their character”, meaning, if you like being appreciate by someone, you should have to do first by doing appreciate to someone.

2. Do everything in sincere and never look for reward from what you have done or you have given. Trust me, for those people that you have helped, one day they will come and help you and bring you out from your problem, and when you were in trouble you will never ever fell loneliness again, because they will come with their hands to help you.

3. Well manage your schedule, and make specific day (on the weekend) perhaps, a time for your wife, your husband, your children, family, staff that you have in your office , your neighbor or even your society. You know why, from those people we can easily get happiness and cheerful by share with them, just take 2 or 5 minutes talk with them, listen what they want to talk to you, your children they need not only money, they need an affection, a father, a mother for their can share their problem or just share perhaps. Money will not make people happy for the last. Do you think you can buy all of them, all of their needs, all of they laugh or they happiness? I don’t think so. So open you heart widely, spread your arm and huge them, kiss them and give them your heart and your care. I believe you will get something that you never ever feel and think before, and you will conquer your loneliness forever and ever.

For people that I love.